Medicina (Kaunas) 2005; 41 (1): 7-16

Contents Full text article in English

New methodology in biomedical science: methodological errors in classical science

Albertas Skurvydas

Lithuanian Academy of Physical Education, Lithuania

Key words: biomedical science, methodological errors, systemic and evolutionary methodology, non-linear, holistic, complex way of thinking.

Summary. The following methodological errors are observed in biomedical sciences: paradigmatic ones; those of exaggerated search for certainty; science dehumanisation; deterministic and linearity; those of making conclusions; errors of reductionism or quality decomposition as well as exaggerated enlargement; errors connected with discarding odd; unexpected or awkward facts; those of exaggerated mathematization; isolation of science; the error of “common sense”; Ceteris Paribus law’s (“other things being equal” laws) error; “youth” and common sense; inflexibility of criteria of the truth; errors of restricting the sources of truth and ways of searching for truth; the error connected with wisdom gained post factum; the errors of wrong interpretation of research mission; “laziness” to repeat the experiment as well as the errors of coordination of errors. One of the basic aims for the present-day scholars of biomedicine is, therefore, mastering the new non-linear, holistic, complex way of thinking that will, undoubtedly, enable one to make less errors doing research. The aim of “scientific travelling” will be achieved with greater probability if the “travelling” itself is performed with great probability.

Correspondence to A. Skurvydas, Lithuanian Academy of Physical Education, Sporto 6, 44221 Kaunas, Lithuania. E-mail:

Received 14 April 2004, accepted 12 November 2004